Muon bie^'t to^i la` ai? Hehe
Wondering who am i? Hehhe:P
hehe ta.i sao ba.n lai click on this button. hehe muon biet toi la` ai phai khong?:P hehe de^? ca'c ba.n khoi that vong toi xin co' va`i giong gio*'i thie^.u ve^` ba?n tha^n cu?a mi`nh. Toi Te^n la` Tha`nh mo*'i qua U'c duoc ba na(m hien gio*` dang o*? vung Springvale. 18 tuoi Nam gioi of course hehee:P
Name: Thanh
Nick name: Ngot
ICQ number: 38371238
Interest: reading book, make around with friend, go out, party, and chat with friend
School: Springvale Secondary college
Country: Australia
Nationality: Chinese but was born in Vietnam so have a lot of Vietnamese sense than Chinese
Want to see my school photo this way pleaseJ